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Meet the Team “Virtually”: Jacob Therrien

Let’s meet our Business Development Specialist, Jacob Therrien who joined our Bridge Loan Network team in 2018.  Jacob works closely with brokers and correspondent lenders in the commercial real estate space to educate them on best practices and how to strive for success.  Jacob was awarded the Rising Star award from the American Association of Private Lender’s (AAPL) in 2019.

Q:  How do you prefer to start your day?

A:  A cup of strong coffee while I watch the sun rise.

Q:  What’s your go-to productivity trick?

A: If I feel my productivity going down, I always make a list of priorities, so I know the important things get done before anything else.

Q:  How did you start working for Bridge Loan Network?

A:  I was lucky enough to stumble across BLN during my post grad job search. I interviewed and immediately fell in love with the team, the culture, and the plethora of opportunity that it presented.

Q:  What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?

A:  I am super proud of how well our team has come together to grow our business to a known player in the Investment Real Estate space. But my proudest personal accomplishment is winning the 2019 AAPL Rising Star Award.

Q:  What was your first job?

A:  My first ever “job” was working for a neighbor doing landscaping when I was 13. 10 dollars an hour, paid in cold hard cash!

Q:  Are you an early bird, or night owl?

A:  Money doesn’t sleep, neither do I. I am 100% all the time.

Q:  If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

A:  I would love to read minds… In order to make more sales…

Q:  If you could only have three apps on your smartphone, which would you pick?

A:  Maps, Music, Banking App.

Q:  What’s one song you have completely memorized?

A:  The ABC’s

Q:  What’s your most used emoji?

A:  Crying laughing facing is ALWAYS the best emoji for any situation!

Q:  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A:  I always wanted to be an Aviation Pilot, but a diagnosis of chronic migraine syndrome shot down those dreams fairly quickly. So inevitably, software sales was the next best option!

Virtual NACLB Annual Conference

NACLBBridge Loan Network is virtually attending and exhibiting at the upcoming National Alliance of Commercial Loan Brokers (NACLB) Annual Conference. The NACLB Conference which is taking place November 10 – 11, 2020 is the largest organization of mortgage brokers and industry professionals.  Their mission is to provide exceptional education and ample networking opportunities between brokers, lenders and service providers.

The agenda for the NACLB Conference is filled with compelling sessions from the top mortgage brokers as well as industry experts. In addition to the mix of educational sessions, there will be numerous opportunities for virtual networking with other attendees and the awesome exhibitors, such as Bridge Loan Network.

In addition to exhibiting, virtually, our Business Development Specialist, Jacob Therrien, will be a featured panelist on the “Commercial Real Estate 101” Panel on Tuesday, November 10th from 11:00 – 11:55 AM EST.

NACLB’s Broker Attendee Benefits Include:

Be sure to visit the Bridge Loan Network team online at the show.

For more details on the National Alliance of Commercial Loan Brokers (NACLB) Conference, click here.

Driving Traffic to Your Website

Driving traffic to your website can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! With the right plan of action, you can create increased engagement with users, therefore opening the doors to more clients for your business.

These tips can help take your website and business to the next level.

Prioritize Usability

Of course, the glitz and glam of your website layout can be intriguing and exciting to the eye, but it does no good if the website is difficult to navigate. Having a well-structured website is vital to creating a positive user experience. In addition, having a responsive website is essential considering the broadening use of mobile devices. Whether users are utilizing your website on a laptop, cell phone, or tablet, easy navigation across all platforms is key.

Social Media

Now this seems like a given but is often overlooked. Social media has been and continues to be on the rise. This is one of the most popular marketing tools available and is mostly free! Promoting content from your website such as upcoming events and blog posts can then drive traffic to your website. Social media is a support to website trafficking, not a substitute. Use it effectively, and don’t forget to make your content shareable!


Online engagement heavily relates to social media use. It’s simple, the more you engage, the more exposure you get. Increased exposure could lead to more traffic to your website! Get active in your online groups within your industry, and comment on posts here and there. Be sure your engagement is purposefully and sincere. Make your voice heard in the virtual world.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an incredible way to stay in touch with clients. Useful information can be provided with just the click of the “send” button. This is another opportunity to provide useful links to your website on the content you choose to promote. Again, another chance to drive traffic to your website. Considering we all get bombarded with tons of emails daily, be sure to carefully choose an intriguing subject line in your email. Getting your audience members to actually open the email is an important first step!

Keep in mind driving traffic to your website won’t happen overnight. It can take months before you see substantial results, and that’s okay! Creating a plan and sticking to it can boost your rankings in search engines and in turn, better your business. Plus, with the help of Bridge Loan Network, we can provide you with a custom application link for your website to capture leads for potential clients.

Referral Marketplace Partnership Announced

Bridge Loan Network has developed our Referral Marketplace as a way to connect investors and brokers to the perfect lending solution for 5 years, helping countless brokers close more deals and organize their business.

As our team takes great pride in continuing to improve our product and software offerings we’ve continued to grow from a new start-up company in this space by using feedback from all our clients and industry partners.

In an effort to expand our Referral Lender Network, further automate the matchmaking process, and improve and expand on the available product offerings Bridge Loan Network has partnered with a directory of private lending companies offering short and long-term financing secured by residential and commercial real estate throughout the United States, Private Lender Link.

Private Lender Link has been offering an online directory for Lenders, Service Providers, and other professionals in the investment real estate industry since their start in 2010.  The Private Lender Link team touts the highest level of customer service and works tirelessly to match broker and investor loan scenarios with the perfect lending match.

We are very excited to launch this partnership and offer faster and more accurate lender suggestions. To gain access to this Referral Network, please contact your Broker Account Representative at Bridge Loan Network to ensure you have the correct membership with us. Then once your loan request has been added into our Bridge Loan Network software simply select the Action to “Refer to Private Lender Link.”

Protecting Your Home Against Hurricanes

2020 has been pretty unpredictable thus far, including the weather.  Safety is the utmost importance during these unpredictable storms, but of course, you want your home to be protected too! Here are some ways to help protect your home against hurricanes.

Impact-resistant windows and doors

Invest in impact-resistant windows and doors. With these in place, they will help to strengthen the safety of your home against harsh weather. Impact-resistant windows and doors can withstand winds up to 200 mph, in addition to objects that may be thrown at your home. Having these in place can make a huge difference for not only possible storm damage, but the dreaded clean up afterward.


Although landscaping may not seem directly apart of the home, it can certainly come into play during a hurricane. Everything and anything surrounding your home come into fair play when the winds aggressively pick up. Consider exchanging harder landscaping materials for soft ones. For example, instead of using gravel or stones, use mulch or wood chips. In addition to using softer materials, be sure to check out your tree branches! Trim any branches that are already breaking or dead. Trimming branches is a great place to start prepping your home since it is a quicker task!


For a short-term fix to strengthening your garage doors, opt to install vertical door braces or horizontal beams. Utilizing these reinforces the structure of the doors, which will fend better against high winds. For a bigger upgrade, invest in impact-resisting garage doors. Much like the doors and windows, impact-resisting garage doors are the utmost protection for aggressive weather. Although installing these are more expensive than vertical door braces or horizontal beams, they may be worthwhile considering your valuable car is residing inside!

Sump pump

Ever think about installing a sump pump? A sump pump moves water from your basement to a designated area out of your home. This simple mechanism can help protect your home from rising waters which could ultimately lead to structural damage. There are different types of sump pumps such as submersible, pedestal, battery-operated backup, and water-powered backup sump pumps. Ensure the sump pump being used is free of debris to ensure it will effectively work to protect your home against damage.

Of course, a generator would be a huge help for possible power outages too, just make sure you use it safely and situate it away from your house! But these tips will help preserve your home or investment property during aggressive and unpredictable weather.

Keeping Your Information Safe Online

With many employees working from home, unfortunately, the traffic of account hackers has also increased. And many of their tactics have gotten more clever for obtaining information online. Be sure to keep your accounts and information safe with these tips and tricks.


Although simplicity may seem like the best way to go for memory’s sake, add some sort of variance to your password. Whether it be different capitalization, numeric values, or punctuation, you want to ensure you are using a password that cannot be easily guessed. And whatever you do, do not use the same password for all applications! Afraid you’ll forget your numerous password? No excuse! Use a password manager such as Secret Server, Bitwarden, or Dashlane to keep track of all your account information.

Change It Up

Some applications may require you to change your password after a certain number of days. Although this may seem tedious, it is important to change when prompted. Take it one step further by changing the passwords of all your applications every few months. Get into the habit of changing all passwords, even if you are only required to change just one or two applications. Frequently changing passwords will make it, so your account information is less likely to be tracked.

Be Cautious of Downloads and Links

Some emails may seem legitimate but can be a hacker in disguise. If the email contains a download or link and you’re not sure if it is safe, look for clues it could be a hacker. Do you recognize the email address it is coming from? Or could the email address have various numbers attached to it? Is the spelling in the email message itself correct? When in doubt if you aren’t sure, don’t open any links or downloads and reach out to your IT Department. In addition, do your best to avoid unknown sites to limit the opportunities of engaging with malicious code.

Two-factor Authentication

Setting up two-factor authentication creates another layer of safety for your information. Many of us use just one password to access certain sites, but if there is an option to enable two-factor authentication, you should take it. Something as simple as sending a text with a code to your phone before logging in can create an abundance of safety so only you can access the account.


Update! Update! Update! Updating your systems is such an important and simple way to help keep your accounts and information safe. Failure to update your systems allows hackers more time to create new and improved ways of obtaining your information. Updating your software, system, firewall, and the browser should remain a priority. So next time you receive an update pop up, don’t close it out!

Shut Down

Turn off your work laptop or computer at the end of every day. Devices that are always left on are more susceptible to getting viruses or malware. Get into the habit of shutting completely down at the end of the day to ensure your accounts are being protected, even when you’re offline.

Bridge Loan Network is a site you can trust. Those who use the Bridge Loan Network (BLN) platform are helping to protect their information, and their client’s information by storing it in the software. Aspects that ensure the safety of information include the entire site being https, all documents and PII are encrypted, and the firewall only allows access to BLN for users in the United States. In addition, the company follows the OWASP secure coding practices to safeguard the information of users. The safety features Bridge Loan Network uses are exactly what you want to look for when entrusting your personal information on different websites.

Although hackers are upping their game while many are still working from home, these tips will help to ensure the safety of your information. Always be cautious while using your devices and if something seems odd, go with your gut. Hackers are smart but you are smarter!


Networking to Grow Your Business

Many of us have heard the phrase “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. While some may argue the validity of that statement, it’s no secret that networking plays a large role in various industries. You’ve learned networking as an individual, but how do you transfer that to your business?

Online Engagement

A major component of growing your business is social media. Make your presence known! Effectively use Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to promote your business to audience members. But don’t just stop at posting. Take it another step further and engage with your followers. Respond to comments, throw some likes here and there, and repost relatable content. Make your audience members feel seen. A little engagement can go a long way.


Stay in the game by attending conferences and industry events. Although at this very moment in quarantine, it may not be possible to attend in-person events, there are plenty of opportunities to meet people virtually! Come with questions and have an idea of who you would like to speak with once you’re there. That means, do your research! Growing your business through networking will pay off if you put in the work. Not only will you meet other industry professionals at these events, you can also expand your knowledge and gain new skills. In addition to learning hard skills from experienced industry professionals, this is a chance for you to work on your public speaking and networking skills as well. Going up and striking conversation with strangers can seem intimidating, but just as anything else with practice you will improve. So, don’t be afraid to sign up for various events and get you and your company’s name out there!

Give Back

Look for ways to give back locally. This could be hosting educational events on your industry, volunteering, hosting podcasts, sponsoring events, and more. Giving back is not only a way to get your company’s name out there on another level, but you can also create a sense of purpose beyond just making money for your business. By giving back, you are opening your pool of professionals to even greater margins. Use this as another opportunity to gain traction to your business, learn what customers want, and share your experiences and knowledge with others.

Overall, the most important thing about networking is to follow up! It’s great to meet new people with the purpose of expanding your business, but it means nothing if you don’t reach out. And reach out for purposes other than when you need something. Even if it’s just a quick line once a month on LinkedIn to say hello. Networking is all about building long term relationships and looking at the bigger picture. You never know where these relationships may go!

Adding a Touch of Technology to Your Property

Investing in a fix & flip property but not sure how to make it unique? Or maybe you’re searching for more investment rental properties but aren’t quite sure what to pinpoint. Alexa has certainly brought many of us into a new sector of technology in our homes. But have you ever thought about taking it a step further for your clients? What if you could have built-in smart systems within your home? Add some flair to your investment properties to broaden your tech-savvy audience.

For starters, you may want to think about investing in 5G connectivity. Keep up with the trends, and more importantly, the internet connection! Whether you are looking for an investment property or engaging in a fix & flip, you want to ensure the best of the best for your clients. For a faster and more reliable connection, 5G is certainly worth checking out for your properties. To handle this capacity, you would also need to look into updating the technology of your infrastructure. The update will go beyond changing your connectivity to 5G but will allow you to make other improvements in the home. Your clients would be thrilled to know their property has the strongest internet connection.

Smart Doorbells

Smart doorbells alert residents when someone rings the door and shows a clear image, based on the connection to a smartphone. This is a great highlight for clients because not only does this add another level of safety, residents no longer have to hesitantly peek through the curtains to see who has approached. There are a variety of smart doorbells that can be installed, and some systems even send an alert when someone is approaching. A simple addition to a fix and flip that can go a long way.

Smart Heating

Looking for a unique appliance in your next investment property? Smart heating may be your answer. Smart thermostats control the temperature in buildings via Wi-Fi and cell phones. They can automatically change the temperature depending on the time of day for preference. Some systems are even able to detect when residents are not in the building based on the location of the connected phone. The heating system can automatically shut off, which in turn saves money. For renters, saving money is a key component to properties so smart heating will surely be a feature worth installing.

Smart Lighting

Smart lighting allows residents to turn lights on and off simply from the touch of their phone. In addition, the brightness and colors in different rooms are also able to be controlled. Depending on the system installed, motion sensors can detect a presence and automatically turn lights on and off as well. Smart lighting not only offers convenience but security too.

There surely are many other smart appliances you could add to your property for home improvement. The convenience, long term money-savers, and improved security measures speak for themselves. Not only will a greater pool of investors be interested in these advanced technological applications, but a larger profit can also be made at the conclusion of a fix & flip. Be sure to include smart technology at the top of your list for your next investment property!


Working from Home Tips and Tricks

Many companies, including Bridge Loan Network, have implemented a new policy where employees are to work remotely during this coronavirus pandemic.  And if you’ve never worked from home before or for this long of a time, then this can be a bit challenging.

Here are four tips for working remotely during this time:

Stick to a Routine

Although we are working remotely, and our “normal” routine has been disrupted it’s important to stick as close to your normal routine as possible. This includes taking small breaks throughout the day, and lunch break to step away from your office. These breaks are vital for your mental health and will help improve your ability to focus when it’s time to get down to business.

Starting your day and ending your day around the same time is also crucial. Our homes are now our work stations which makes it seem impossible to step away, as you can easily check your emails anytime. But by creating separation in the day between work hours and home hours you will help create a sense of normalcy during these stressful times.

Create a Designated Workspace

If you don’t have an office in your home, pick a corner or room in your house to create your designated workspace. This can also help you create separation in your personal and work life where you have a specific place you can hunker down during normal working hours, and then “leave” when the workday is over.

You can also do this on your computer or laptop you are using for work if it is your personal laptop.  For example, I’ve created a separate profile on my laptop that I use just for work. This houses all my work documents, email folders, and favorite webpages. Then when I am done for the day but still need to use my laptop I can switch profiles. This way I am not constantly checking emails throughout the night and I can start the day refreshed.

Stay Aligned with Company Culture

It’s important to maintain the team morale and although we cannot all be together in an office setting, or meeting after work at happy hour staying connected to both the company culture and your teammates is important. Continuing those social interactions although remote will keep your company culture alive. Small things like sending funny emails, playing virtual games, or even Zoom happy hour calls can help reduce the feelings of isolation and anxiety, knowing everyone is in this together and available if you need them.

Embrace Technology

Technology is the reason we can all work from home in the first place, so embrace the different ways you can connect with your team. This can go beyond just working on the computer or phone calls, but through the different software solutions, you can adopt. Many including our team are relying on Microsoft Teams, Skype, Zoom, GoToMeeting and our Bridge Loan Network software while working from home to stay connected to each other as well as our customers.

Many of these software solutions also allow users to see each other face to face (virtually) so embrace the webcam too. Webcams can help in both meetings and webinar sessions as people can see who is talking and non-verbal cues that are important in conversations. Plus, it helps your team feel less isolated and alone.

The Bridge Loan Network software is a cloud-based system that also allows for your entire team, and customers to work on the same loan file in true time while working remotely. Plus, all training on the software can be done virtually, so if you or a member of your team would like more training on the platform contact a member of our team today.

Change takes time to get used to, and everyone’s work situations and team dynamics are different, so be mindful to cut yourself some slack especially during these stressful times.

House Hunting Through Technology

House Hunting Technology This quarantine has surely changed everyone’s day to day routines. We have all had to adjust to the world as we know it while maintaining as much normalcy as possible. The real estate industry has been navigating through these trying times, just like everyone else. One thing for sure that many have relied on is the use of technology. Schools have moved their classes online, companies are holding virtual meetings, and more. The real estate industry took advantage of technology to continue supporting its clients in all efforts. So yes! You can still house hunt during this time, and that is thanks to technology!

3D Tours

This quarantine ironically provides many benefits to those who are house hunting during this time. Many companies have hooked onto the virtual reality and have created 3D tours on properties. Panoramic photos that are taken of the property allow for the 3D showings to occur. Websites allow users to be interactive and make it feel as if they are really there. They can “walk” through spaces virtually and see everything just as a normal showing would be. This convenience allows clients to check out properties while still in their pajamas!

Taking Advantage of Extra Time

Applications such as Zoom, Teams on Microsoft, Skype, and even FaceTime allow for companies to continue business as usual. This includes adhering to clients who want to view properties. In addition to being able to view properties from the comfort of your own home and continuing to stay safe, chances are most clients have a little more free time on their hands. This quarantine is forcing all of us to take a step back from our typical, busy lives, and in turn, more time can be dedicated to carefully searching into all aspects of properties for sale. Clients may even have extra time to view more properties compared to being under normal circumstances.

Broader Reach

Virtual property tours are also a great alternative to those looking into properties out of state. Rather than making the long trek to visit a property, through the use of technology clients can do the same thing while being safe at home! The use of technology for property tours is a win-win situation. It allows those in the business to reach a larger audience, and it allows clients to check out more properties without spending the gas money to travel or time being stuck in traffic. This innovative virtual reality can truly benefit clients by allowing them to look into anything and everything that interests them.